Published On: March 20, 2024179 words1 min read

Words by Cheryl Pangborn

Congratulations to junior Richmond Hill resident, Asher Lukkarinen, who was a big winner at the US Steel National Championship in Volusia County this past weekend. Asher is 12 years old and has been a competitive shooter for just over a year, having fired a total of 40,000 rounds in this period of time. Asher also shoots as a member of the 17 South SASP team coached by Marion McQueen.  

At this recent competition, Asher was National Champion C Class RFRO (Rimfire Rifle Optics) and National Champion C Class PCCO (Pistol Caliber Carbine Open). He competed against adults, many who are professional shooters. 

Asher is grateful to his coach and also AV Arms of Richmond Hill for supplying his ammunition for training. The young shooter has a competitive drive to be a champion and is excited to compete in the Speed Shooting World Championships in May, as well as various competitions throughout the summer. 

We extend our sincere congratulations to Asher and look forward to hearing of his continued successes on the SASP team and in his solo pursuits! 

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