Published On: November 6, 2023451 words2.4 min read

BRYAN COUNTY, GA (November 2, 2023) – United Way of the Coastal Empire hosted a press conference on Thursday, November 2, on the steps of the Richmond Hill History Museum in Bryan County to share a historic community announcement.

Surrounded by community members and volunteers, United Way leaders announced philanthropist Bob Mock’s donation of $1 million to United Way of the Coastal Empire to assist Bryan County residents with housing-related needs, making this the single largest individual gift in the organization’s 85-year history.

“We come into this life, and if we’re lucky, we make a good living, and then we’re gone. It seems to me it’s more rewarding to give it away,” said Bob Mock. “I’ve been fortunate, and I want to give back. I’m not interested in getting recognition, but I hope this will inspire others in our community to give what they can.”

“We are incredibly grateful for Mr. Mock’s generous donation,” said Brianne Yontz, United Way of the Coastal Empire – Bryan County Area Director. “Our mission is to improve lives through the caring power of our community, and Mr. Mock is the perfect representation of that.”

This historic donation will be used to help residents in Bryan County struggling with housing needs by providing rental and mortgage assistance, partial down payments, emergency shelter, and more. A special committee has been formed to work with Mr. Mock in establishing eligibility, guidelines, and focus areas for funding allocations. The United Way – Bryan County Service Centers in both the north and south of the county will publish criteria and begin accepting applications from Bryan County residents on Monday, January 8, 2024.

“While there is unprecedented economic development, business investment, and job creation in our region, there continues to be challenges in areas like housing, as well as childcare, literacy, and workforce training,” said Brynn Grant, President and CEO of United Way of the Coastal Empire. “United Way is working hard to address these issues, and Mr. Mock’s generous gift will make a significant difference in the lives of people in Bryan County. We hope his generosity will inspire others to get involved with our important work.”

The historic announcement comes in the midst of United Way’s Fall Giving Campaign, raising money for the United Way Community Fund, which fuels the organization’s work. Through the Community Fund, United Way funds 82 programs across 53 nonprofit organizations, which provide everything from literacy programs and job training to quality, affordable childcare, safety for survivors of abuse, mental health support, hot meals for seniors, emergency food and shelter, and more. The Community Fund also supports people in crisis directly through United Way’s 211 Information & Referral Service, County Service Centers, and volunteer efforts.

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