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Registration is on Practiscore –
5th Annual Bryan County Family Connection Children’s Christmas Fund Toy Drive
You may register up to 2 divisions.
This is a “Outlaw” Multi-Gun match with several options:
3-gun – pistol, Rifle and shotgun.
2-gun – pistol and Rifle – ignore the shotgun-only targets.
PCC 2GN – PCC AND Shotgun – shoot all handgun and rifle targets with your PCC, all the shotgun targets with shotgun.
Pistol Only – This is handgun only – shoot only the targets designated for your division.
22LR 2GN – both handgun and rifle must be 22LR – we will have rifle targets out to 100 yd
Handgun – magazine 140mm max length. Center-fire .380 up to 45ACP.
Rifle – magazines – no capacity limit. Center-Fire. .223 to 30-06 – no armor piercing, green-tip, incendiary tracer’s permitted.
Shotgun – Load them up. No STEEL shot. Buckshot or slugs will be optional – no steel buckshot or slugs.
22LR – handgun must have a holster. It’s recommended to have at least enough ammo carriers for 40 rounds.
Full-Auto – bring it on. Be sure to flick it to happy mode.
Suppressors – welcomed, but the timer will need to pick up your last shot.
We will have 5-6 stages depending on setup, including some Multi-Bay stages.
Bring 100 round s of each – Pistol, Rifle and Shotgun.
Match fee will be $25 per shooter – OR – Bring unwrapped gifts.
All match fees and toys will be collected at the Connex – please note that this is unusual for our matches.
Cash can be paid direct at the Connex
Credit cards can be paid through the clubhouse.
This is a fundraiser match – no discounted match fees.
Round count with multi-gun can be unpredictable – bring 100 rounds of each to be sure.
All further information will be on our Facebook Group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/17sPSC/
Or MeWe – https://mewe.com/join/17_south_practical_shooters_club
Please do not contact Toby or Kyle about this match – they will direct you to the Facebook page or to me.
The unwrapped gifts – New, unwrapped and in the box toys – Children 1-16 years old – Balls, Toy Cars, Dolls, board games, etc. They are also in need of socks and underwear for children up to 16 years.
In addition to this match, we will hold the drawing for a Daniel Defense D4V7 Rifle. Tickets are $20 each. Proceeds from this drawing will be donated to the Bryan County Family Connection Children’s Christmas Fund. Tickets will be sold starting in June.

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