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πŸ”₯πŸš’ Join us for the RHFD Summer Series! πŸš’πŸ”₯

Hey, parents and guardians! Looking for a fun and educational way to keep your kids engaged this summer? The Richmond Hill Fire Department has you covered! Our Summer Series is packed with exciting activities that teach kids all about fire safety in a fun, interactive way.

πŸ‘©β€πŸš’ What to Expect:

Tour of the fire station & truck
Hands-on demonstrations
Meet real firefighters
Learn about fire safety equipment
Splash pad
& more

πŸ“… Dates:
Wednesday, May 29th – this date has been filled
Thursday, June 20th
Wednesday, July 10th – this date has been filled

πŸ•’ Time: 10 AM – 12 PM
πŸ“ Location: Fire Station #1, 9964 Ford Avenue

Space is Limited. Register Now at: https://bit.ly/RHFDSummer24

This event is perfect for children entering grades 2-5. Not only will they have a blast, but they’ll also learn important fire safety tips that could save lives. πŸš’β€οΈ

πŸ”₯ Mark your calendars and get ready for a summer of safety and fun! πŸ”₯

#SummerSafety #FireDepartment #RHFDSummerSeries #FireSafety


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