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This will be an all afternoon and in to the evening concert-style experience featuring local performers and bands including: Moss City Groove, Victory Drive, Bucky Bryant, Ray Tomasino, Gordon Perry, Dropkick Turbo, Thomas Claxton & The Myth, and more…!

This event will benefit the victims of the recent flooding in the Richmond Hill area. We will be accepting donations the day of the event (details will be given for donations prior to the event this week). This event will be FREE TO THE PUBLIC to attend! There will be food, etc., so bring your lawn chairs and/or blankets to sit out on the grass and enjoy an amazing evening.

Any local businesses that would like to be a part of the day, please contact me directly here on FB or via email at:

It’s been amazing to see how the communities have come together for everyone affected by these recent tragedies. Many folks are still suffering, so again, every little thing helps. Even if all you can do is come and ENJOY the music, your presence is enough and is beyond appreciated.

Hope to see a lot of folks NEXT SUNDAY (Aug. 25th), 1pm til 7pm-ish.

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