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Love Dolphins?!

Learn about these amazing wild animals. You can be a Citizen Scientist for Dolphin Research.

The Dolphin Project is hosting an educational and entertaining dolphin program and training workshop via Zoom. It starts at 10:00am and lasts under 3 hours. The first half covers the estuarine Bottlenose dolphins – their biology, behaviors and activities in our shared coastal environment. The second half covers the protocol for volunteering for dolphin Photo-ID research surveys and additional details about the dolphins. Training is free and open to ages 12 and up. To participate in research volunteers must be 16 years of age with parental consent. Survey crew is required to have a Skipper with a vessel, a Team Leader and a Photographer. Assistant Team Leaders -in training- can also be on board.

Register at https://thedolphinproject.org or email thedolphinproject@gmail.com

Contact info: thedolphinnprojectPR@gmail.com

More info: https://thedolphinproject.org


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