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Please join us for “Introduction to Genealogy” with Lillian Wingate, Regional Genealogy & Local History Coordinator of the Statesboro-Bulloch County Library. Lillian will discuss the basics of genealogy and why history is so important when doing genealogical research.

Lillian Wingate is from a small town in southwest Georgia and has had an interest in family history since a young age. She has been the Genealogy & Local History Coordinator at the Statesboro Library since 2015 and has been doing genealogy for over a decade. She instructs dozens of classes and interactive workshops at libraries and historical organizations. Lillian earned her undergraduate degrees in History & Anthropology at Georgia Southern University in 2014. She has also taken genealogy courses through Boston University, IGHR, and SLIG. Lillian actively works with GSU interns on various projects. She is also in partnership with the local courthouses and community projects. She is the current president of the Bulloch County Genealogical Society, and the Education Director for the Georgia Genealogical Society.



WHEN: Thursday, October 5, 2023, at 6:00 PM

WHERE: 11460 Ford Avenue, Richmond Hill

COST: Free for members, $5 for non-members


MORE INFORMATION: Contact the museum at 912-756-3697 or visitwww.richmondhillhistoricalsociety.com.

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