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Please join the RHBC Chamber of Commerce for its March Lunch & Learn on Friday, March 26th at the Richmond Hill City Center located at 520 Cedar St. or Via Zoom from 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Topic: Georgia Chamber Insurance SMART Plan through Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield and Georgia Chamber 401k Exchange Plan through Transamerica.
The Lunch & Learn will be facilitated by Kathryn Johnson, David Righter, and Danny Kling.
Topics to be discussed at the Lunch & Learn:
• What is the Georgia Chamber SMART Plan?
• How can I use the SMART Plan for my business?
• What is the Georgia Chamber 401k Exchange Plan?
• How can I use the Exchange Plan for my business?
“The Georgia Chamber has teamed up with Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield to administer the Georgia Chamber SMART Plan. This plan allows smaller employers to join together to share in the overall claims risk. By being part of a larger, self-funded pool, employers have financial protection backed by Anthem.” – Georgia Chamber, www.gachamber.com
“The Georgia Chamber Retirement Plan EXCHANGE is a new 401k program offered to businesses across Georgia, in partnership with Transamerica. This plan offers employers a wide range of retirement management services including administrative offload, simplified payroll contribution processing, loan and distribution support, time savings, fiduciary risk management and more.” – Georgia Chamber, www.gachamber.com
Come join us to hear more about these great benefits!
Lunch & Learn tickets must be purchased prior to the event. Lunch is $15.00 for RHBC Chamber members or $20.00 for non-members. To ensure the safety of attendees and staff there will be 5 seats per table at the Richmond Hill City Center and masks are required when you are not eating. All other attendees are welcome to join via Zoom. Registration is required for this event, please click here.
The Richmond Hill/Bryan County Chamber of Commerce is the community leader recognized for promoting business, economic, and community development, as well as public policy that balances economic prosperity with quality of life. The Chamber serves its membership through advocacy, access to community leaders, connectivity, engagement, and education.

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