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What:             BCS Teacher Recruitment Expo
When:            Tuesday, February 18, 2024, 3-7pm
Where:          Richmond Hill Middle School
On February 18, 2025, the Bryan County Schools’ Teacher Recruitment Expo will be held at Richmond Hill Middle School from 3pm-7pm.  As we do each year, we are inviting representatives from across Bryan County in hopes of offering candidates an idea of all that it has to offer.  Last year we had a great variety, including healthcare, veterinary services, realtors, and other organizations that candidates found of great interest – our community members and business partners did a wonderful job showcasing the excellence and hometown spirit that is Bryan County.
Additional information will be provided in the coming weeks, but we wanted to ask you to please plan to join us again this year and SAVE THE DATE! Each organization will have a table, and they will be able to interact with our prospective employees as they mingle through the expo.  Please click here and let us know if we can plan for you to join us this year.  Also, if you know of another organization that you think would like to be part of our Recruitment Expo, let us know and we will make a point to invite them as well.

Please expect additional information and communication from us in the next few weeks.  We will provide more detailed information as we get closer to the Expo.

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